Dr.DineshShanmugaSundaram is specialized himself in each & every part of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery both in Adult & Paediatric or Congenital Heart Diseases. He is both an ethical & academic surgeon , changed the trend in Cardiac Surgery to fast & safe level , as prolonged procedures in Cardiac Surgery increases postoperative complications. We aim at decreasing perioperative complications to the maximal level.

* Almost all types of Adult Cardiac Surgeries including On pump & Off pump Coronary artery bypass graft or CABG-simply bypass surgery.
* All types of valve replacements with artificial valves , both mechanical & tissue valves.
* Valve repairs especially mitral valve repairs & aortic valve repairs in selected patients as repair of the native valve is always superior than replacing the valve as there may be various complications can occur due to the drugs taken after replacements life long.
* Total arterial revascularization -TAR using internal mammary artery & radial artery as grafts for CABG as this is the best option in selected patients when compared to venous grafts.
* High risk cardiac surgeries like CABG for left main coronary artery disease & surgical ventricular restoration-SVR with CABG for scarred myocardium due to repeated heart attacks.
* Aortic root surgeries like Bentallprocedure , valve sparing aortic root replacements.
* Surgeries for cardiac tumoursex-left atrial myxoma , left atrial clot removal , reduction & augmentation for left & rightatriae , exclusion of LA after clot removal.
* Surgeries for arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation.
* All types of surgeries for congenital cardial defects both in paediatric and grown up children also called GUCH-grown up congenital hearts.
* atrial & ventricular septal defects closure using autologous or patients own pericardium or PTFE -poly tetra fenylethelene patches.
* intra cardiac repair surgeries -ICR for Tetrology of Fallot & Double outlet right ventricle , partial & total anomalous pulmonary venous connection-PAPVC & TAPVC , rupture of sinous of Valsava-RSOV.
* PDA or patent ductus arteriosus closure surgically.
* many other congenital heart defects which could not be corrected by intervention or non surgical methods.
* minimally invasive cardiac sugery in selected patients.
* All types of lung surgeries including lobectomies & pneumonectomies -removal of part or whole of diseased lung for tumours or cysts and for bronchiectasis which are not amenable to drugs.
* tracheal resection & reconstruction for tracheal tumours VATS-video assisted thoracoscopic surgeries in selected patients.
* mediastinal tumours like thymictumours & other tumours in chest.
* chest wall reconstructive surgeries like thoracoplasty.
* great artery surgeries like aortic aneurysm repair.
* cervical rib removal for relieving the compression effects of abnormal rib in the neck.
* sternal reconstruction with bone cement -methyl methacrylate in patients with sternal infections -osteomyelitis of aternum.


Senior Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon


VIMS Hospital, Salem
Ravina Hospital, Chennai
MM Hospital, Chennai
Dharan Hospital, Salem

Our team

Has an eminent interventional cardiologist, cardiacanaesthetists, perfusinists, physician assistant & staff nurses.


  • He completed his UG,PG and MCh degrees in Madurai Medical College,Tamil Nadu,India. He has 20 years of experience and 10 years of experience in the field of CVTS.
  • He is currently Chief Cardiothoracic Surgeon in Madras Medical College,Chennai.
  • He is s Senior Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon in VIMS Hospital.
  • He is a member of IACTS and ASCVTS.
  • He is a good Teacher ,eminent Surgeon in both Adult and Pediatric CVTS.
  • He is a Speaker & Chair person in many CVTS Conferences and published many articles.
  • His areas of interest are OPCAB,Aortic surgeries,Transplantation etc.